Products and Postures

We've compiled a list of the most common Cyber Security companies and their product offerings. You'll notice that the most well-known names out there are all Default Allow!

You'll also notice a couple of new terms aside from Default Allow and
Default Deny in play here. They are:

  • Isolation

These solutions run applications in complete isolation (often using CPU- draining Micro VMs – or Virtual Machines) – cut off from the host system.

For example, some of these will run the web browser in isolation because though it's a known good application, it has the ability to download potentially malicious files.

Isolation solutions certainly help prevent infection but the price you pay in usability is VERY steep.

  • Sandbox

These solutions place unknown files in a "sandbox" (a controlled environment) where they're allowed to run and are observed to see if they exhibit any malicious behavior, before allowing users to download them. Imagine, you click to download a file but you don't get to use it for a while, sometimes a long while.

As with Isolation technology, this helps prevent infection but the usability price is again very steep.

  • Whitelisting

this is really the original Default Deny, which is a whitelist based solution. It'll keep you safe (by only allowing known good files and applications into your environment) but you better like Tetris TM , at least figuratively speaking, as you can ONLY use approved known good files. So kiss your productivity goodbye. And watch out for Carpal Tunnel syndrome from all that Tetris TM !

    Comodo Default Deny Platform    
    Cylance Default Allow    
    FireEye (HX) Default Allow    
    CyberReason Default Allow    
    Trend Micro Default Allow    
    Sophos Default Allow    
    Symantec Default Allow    
    McAfee/Intel Default Allow    
    Malware Bytes Default Allow    
    Kaspersky Default Allow    
    Menlo Security Default Allow    
    SentinelOne Default Allow    
    Cisco(FireAmp) Default Allow    
    Invincea Isolation (Default Allow)    
    Bromium Isolation (Default Allow)    
    Spikes Isolation (Default Allow)    
    Lastline Sandbox (Default Allow)    
    Palo Alto Networks Traps Sandbox (Default Allow)    
    Cyphort Sandbox (Default Allow)    
    FireEye Sandbox (Default Allow)    
    Bit9 (Carbon Black) Whitelisting (Not Default Deny)    

What is EDR?

EDR is an enterprise-level cybersecurity company providing 24/7/365, monitored security, risk management, and cyber liability protection for companies worldwide.